Brandon Lahr

Miles Selvik Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

At the age of 18, Miles has led a fairly rough life as a rogue. Seeing his father die and getting a sword scar down his chest when he was ten, the section of the city he lived in was burnt down as well, making him homeless. Syllphae, the high priestess of the elven pantheon, took pity on him and raised him as her own. Being around beautiful elves, it's only natural for a pre-pubescant boy to grow up woman hungry and suave. Which leads to now. Being part of a group that has saved the world countless times fro mthe resurrection of the evil god En'Vori, his playboy antics finally payed off, winning the heart of a half-elf druid named Rin and in turn having his heart won by her. They currently have three children, one being Kalem, who is infatuated with a half-drow (and vice versa). By this time, Miles is in his early 40's, while Rin's druidic powers and elven blood has caused her to not look a day over 20.