Carly Branam

Erin Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Species: Born human, but hobbit quite often. :) Sex: female Age: 15 in human, 27 in hobbit. Alias: Erin the Green, hobbit sorceress of the West Farthing and Keeper of Saruman's staff (No one calls her this but herself.) Apperance: Tall when she's in human form, with long fire red hair and large, sharp green eyes. Is still tall for a hobbit, and thinner than most. Personality: Wild, crazy, sarcastic, unpredictable, obsessive, a little bit bossy, often goes on power trips, but all around good person and nice friend. Personal History: Erin's best friend is Rachel, and the two girls are about as obsessivly into Lord of the Rings as one can get. Erin somehow managed to get hold of Saruman's staff off of E-bay (She said it was the one from the movie set, but that dosn't explain why it works) and she and Rachel used it to bring a cartain four hobbits to their room through a closet. The girls now go on adventures in and out of Middle Earth, often dragging said hobbits along for the ride. Gandalf was pissed when he found out, of course, but after a little perswation, he allowed Erin to keep Saruman's staff and even named her a novice sorceress and gave her a color (the Green). Erin has a huge crush on Pippin Took. Likes: Lord of the Rings, hobbits in general, Pippin especially, eating, goofing off, ale, showing of her magic. Dislikes: Arwen, orcs, mean people, when people in bars try to hit on her, being told what to do. Sam gets on her nervs at times.