Carrie Starr

Odessa Wilson Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Name – Odessa Wilson

Birthday – May 12

Age – 15

Height – 5’5”

Weight – 105 lbs.

Build – extremely skinny and small, but healthy looking

Blood – pure-witch mother, squib father

Wand – eight inches, willow, slyph wings (good with old spells)

Weapon of choice – usually her wand if its handy or she remembers it, but she also carries around with her a sword, with a long sliver blade, white wing decorations by the handle, and a red handle with golden strands on it, with a golden circular end that has a red diamond embedded in it transfigured inot a mechanical pencil.

Familiar - Odessa’s familiar is a dragon named Metallica. Yes, she’s a full-grown dragon, but her species is a rare one that can change into something about the size of a small dog. She’s harmless, really. Metallica is about as klutzy as Odessa, though. She has metallic pink scales, and silver wing flaps. Oh, and she isn’t the greatest letter carrier when she has a cold. She’ll keep burning the note when she sneezes. Odessa also owns a pure white rabbit by the name of Lucky that Metallica saved from some wolves.

Fears - The thing under her bed, mainly. She also has a thing with garden gnomes. However, her biggest fear is dementers. Not because they are fear themselves, but because of a very nasty memory of them that she can barely recall. She also has a fear of werewolves.

Boggart – a Dementor lowing its hood to Kiss her

Patronus – a mighty dragon that looks like Metallica when she is in full dragon mode

Animagus Form – a yellow tabby that generally goes by Pidderpaw when she doesn’t want to get into trouble that has a scar on it nose ridge and its right forearm, is unregistered

House – Gryffindor

Year – 5th

Best Subject – Defense Against the Dark Arts

Worst Subject – Charms

Quidditch Position – Keeper, got it after Oliver Wood left, but isn’t captain

Hobbies - flying on broomstick with Metallica, randomly drawing things, practicing charms and spells to use in case she ever needs them

Appearance – Odessa has golden blond hair that falls to the bottom of her back, although she has cut the front half of her hair to shoulder length which curls up around her neck. She usually wears her hair in two half braided pigtails, with a dark gray bow holding it up top, and a red scrunchie holding them together. She sometimes wears a pair of simple wireframe glasses over her sea green eyes. The most distinguished part of her appearance is her two scars, one running from the middle of her cheek, over her nose, and to the middle of the other cheek, and the other scar on her right forearm.

General Personality – Odessa is generally well liked among all the classes at Hogwarts, the exception being most Slyterhins. She is usually kind and caring, although her temper isn’t exactly perfect. Her main problem, though, is not knowing when to say the right thing at the right time. May of times she’s either put her foot in her mouth, or gotten herself fin trouble because of something she couldn’t keep to herself. Other wise, she’s as clueless as the next Hogwarts student, and isn’t always sure of how to get what she wants.

Family – Odessa lived currently with her grandmother (Claris Wilson) over the summer, and sometimes visits her father (Jon Wilson) back in her old home. She also has many aunts, uncles, and cousins that she sees at Christmas time, if she goes home, whom all live in France.

Nationality – American (New England), although most of her ancestors come from France, and both her parents were English

Background – Odessa was born into a somewhat normal magic family. Neither of her parents knew that they were a witch and a squib until Mrs. Wilson was carrying Odessa, and it came as a shock to both of them. However, they were very happy, and Odessa’s first year was filled with nothing but love. However, Mrs. Wilson held one secret from Mr. Wilson, and that was her skill as a Seer. One day, a little after Odessa turned one, a Dementor came and visited the Wilson household, sent by Lord Voldemort because Mrs. Wilson refused to help him. Odessa has a nightmare sometimes of that moment, because her father wasn’t able to pull her away from the sight fast enough. Suddenly, Mr. Wilson was thrown into single partenthood, and task he didn’t take lightly. However, unlike his wife, he couldn’t help Odessa when she started showing magical skills, so he tried to repress them slightly, and succeeded, to a point. He sent her to a muggle school, although there was a wizarding one nearby, because he knew he could help her better with that then with magic. Thus, Odessa’s life went by fairly normally. About the time she was eight, her father contracted a fatal magical disease, proving he wasn’t all squib. He fought it, though, and for the most part kept it in check until Odessa was about eleven. By that point, he couldn’t function very well, so the American Minisrty of Magic sent Odessa to live with her only other remaining relative that they trusted, her grandmother. No one knew how long she was going to be staying there, so her acceptance letter to Hogwarts didn’t come as a big surprise, other than the fact her whole family thought she was a squib like her father. So off went Odessa to Hogwarts, being the first American, and in the same year as Harry Potter, That fact masked her uniqueness, and few people knew she was special. Her first year was heck for her, spazing out at anything especially weird. She calmd down in her second year, and become libray buddies with Hermione Granger whenever she wasn’t with her friends. Odessa herself was well-liked, but didn’t have any real friends in her own house, Instead, she remained fiends with a Slytherin, Eve Ebony, whom she met on the train ride over. She still remains friends with her even though she knows Eve has pledged herself to the Dark Lord. In the summer after her second year, something happened that no one would have suspected. One day, while her grandmother was elsewhere, a rogue Death Eater, driven insane knowing his master couldn’t be revived tot eh point where he forgot what was going on, came on the Wilson property with the intent on killing Mrs, Wilson, Odessa’s grandmother. Finding the elderly woman gone, he attacked Odessa, slicing open her face and her arm before her grandmother arrived and subdued the Death Eater. Naturally, he is currently in Azkaban, but the attack scared Odessa for life, and caused great humiliation when she went back that year with bandaged covering her face. Currently, though, Odessa is back to living a normal teenage witch’s life, having a bit of trouble fitting in again. People question why she’s friends with a Slytherin, and a few people don’t trust her anymore, The majority of her house still enjoy her company, however, which is just fine with Odessa.