Danielle Larzelere

Yuki Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Age: 17
Animal: black and white shorthair cat
Dislikes: :rude people, summer,
scooter,rap,people that dont give attention,being lonely
Eye color: magenta
Other: Yuki is my persona. She loves to talk and sumtimes iz a lil loud. She loves winter and during that 3 months shes the happist to bad her bf akage hates winter. She also has a thing w/ muzik if shes going down the half pipe or she is hiking to the summit her cd player comes w/ her. She likes listening to Ska and punk. she also like techno. Yukis style is very diffrent in a way that she can go from wearing flairs to big ass baggy pants.
hair: blonde, but when it its winter she dies it all blue w/ white tips.
likes: her guitar,Akage her bf,sleep, ballons,doose guck,snow,winter, snowboording, muzic.
sex: female