Demeter Starstrike

Kuruijini Clawswipe Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Characteristics: Cadet Blue cat ears and a cat tail; blue fur and a tan muzzle; wears black shirts with things written on them and a pair of either blue or black cargos. Always has a pack of matches on hand.

Info: Kuruijini(Kuru for short) is a fan character of mine for Sonic Adventure 2. Shes about 17, but acts 13. Shes a pyromaniac, often setting things on fire for no reason. Kuru hangs around Mari(see my gallery), and has a crush on Shadow o_O' She hasn't done anything though, and probably never will tell anyone and/or tell him about it.

Special Info: Isn't alive exactly...is kind of a ghost stuck on the physical plane(IE shes 'solid'), and she cant remember why...

Quote(s): "Say I like him? Isnt that like...feeding myself to the wolves? No, really. I'll be a dead kitty walkin'...but I already am. AH! I DONT...COMPREHEND!" "Oh, I have my reasons for setting things on fire. I just don't recall at this moment." "Stupid? Quite the opposite. But why should I show off being smart? I mean, wheres the fun in that? I lull them all into a false sense of security, and wait to pounce...Mrrowr."