Summer Peterson

Edd Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Adopted Father: Jackalman Ironclaw
Age: 15 (well, when hatched anyway)
Birthday: May 25th
Birthname: Kijicho
Birthplace: In the ancient Egyptian-like city of Iakazine
Commonly Called Name: Edd
Current Location: Station Square
Father: Yakino
Full Name: Edward Ironclaw
Gender: Male
Height: 3'9"
Mother: Kana-Rai
Sonic Universe: SegaSonic
Species: Echidna
Strengths: Wisdom, mechanical know-how
Weaknesses: Lack of physical strength
Weight: 68lb.

Character Personality:

Edd is rather seclusive and silent, but he will let his opinions be known if the need arises. Calm and collected, Edd is not the type to jump to conclusions too easily or to judge so quickly. His temper seems nonexistant. He's a bit shy at times, especially when conflicted. He isn't a fighter, nor is he an arguer, though he doesn't mind a good debate. He likes silence, peace, and tenquility.

Knowledge is his power. A reader of books and novels, he perfers to expand his intelligence by reading rather than "hang around" malls and popular spots. He perfers to be around small groups of people, and large crowds are one of the few things that irritate him. When he isn't reading, he is building mechanical items, including robots and aircrafts. He has already built two working robots: the robotic hedgehog named Zero and the Iron Fox, a metal fox built for war and destruction. He also created his own aircraft, named the ESW (or Eshiew), which is in the process of improvement.

Edd has many forms. There are a possible total of 9 different forms, most he doesn't know of himself. In fact, the only form he knows of is the Shadow Edd form. How he achieves these forms is something I'll describe later.


Thousands of years ago, two Echidna tribes brought themselves into a full-out war. Yakino and Kana-Rai, rulers of the Egyptian Echidna tribe Setsuna, were enraged at the other Echidna tribe because they were trying to take their homes and riches. However, the other tribe was much too strong for them, so the two rulers had no choice but to try to perserve their only egg for the future. They placed the egg in a holy shrine hidden from everyone except them. By the powers that lived in the shrine, the egg was perserved.

One day, Jackalman and his crew crash-landed on Earth near the shrine. By pure luck they found it and the egg. Thinking that the egg holds an ancient beast, they took it. Before they were able to take more from Earth, they were chased out by GUN. Even though the egg wasn't a beast, but a mere Echidna, Jackalman still took care of him and grew to love him like a son.

Jackalman adopted the child and named him "Edward Ironclaw", after Jackalman's doomed brother. Edd learned the ropes of the outlaws and grew an interests to machines, ships, and robots, in which he learned how to repair and make such things (he became wise at an young age). When Edd was 13, Jackalman's outlaws became tangled in a fight with the Cornerian police, which soon lead to the death of all of them except Edd and Jackalman, who barely excaped. However, a Cornerian pilot chased Jackalman and Edd into the Black Hole, in which they were trapped in for one year. Using the parts of old ships, Edd built excape ships for him and Jackalman. On the way out, though, Jackalman's ship got trapped in a space current and was about ready to explode. In the last seconds of his life, he told Edd to go to a planet beyond the Lylat System named Earth and try to live with his family for the rest of his days, as Edd will not be welcomed in the Lylat System anymore. Edd barely excaped the Black Hole and he quickly rebuilt a better ship to look for his home planet, but he didn't have to look for long. Now Edd is trying to find a way to make himself useful on the planet and to find his family, wherever they may be...

When entering the Earth's atmosphere, Edd lost control of the plane. He crashed near Station Square, on Emerald Beach. He was found and helped by Tails, who noticed his unusal plane when he was testing his new prototype. They found out they had a lot in common and soon became friends. As of now, Edd does odd technitional jobs around Station Square, but still wonders about his past.