Dirty Baka

Demented Reggy Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Formally one Dr. Reginal Bushroot, after he was tricked and then horrible attack by an anti-mutant cult, Reggie's mind snapped and he sought revenge for the cruelity that had been done to him. He hunted down and systematically slaughtered ever member of the Organization. He was caught for this crime and was sentenced to life in prision. There he rotted his mind away for ten years till he busted out almost by mistake.

Now he wanders the streets of St. Canard, not fraying a moment to cut down anyone in his path. Reggy does not have the compassion and trust his former self had. He trusts only two things. His Plants and his Axe!

Name: Dr. Reginal Bushroot aka Demented Reggy Age: Unknown Height: 6'3 Weight: 180 lbs Speices: Mutant Plant Duck Features: Ripped labcoat, scarred chest, long tailtale braid, long handled axe.