Terry Lynn M

Nael Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Nael was brought up within the quietude of her large pack, never having experienced large fights or wars. Family tradition was instilled into her, for her pack was made up of five seperate family units, (with the extended relatives, of course). She was taught most of the spells she knows by other angelic Chyriths, and was told over an over that defense is the greatest offense. Because of her upbringing (or maybe inspite of it) Nael had a need (more like an addiction) for a strong and vivid social life. After a while, her pack mates didn't seem like quite enough for her, so she made a brief excursion out into the wilds of the multiple plains. Here she ran into many creatures, mostly friendly, but a few she met had malicious intentions. During one such meeting she was saved by another Chyrith, another angelic Chyrith, infact. This savior turned out to be Jordel, a travelling minstrel of sorts. They remained together for a while, camping out in the wild, before Nael convinced him to return home with her. When she'd left her mother had been pregnant, and upon her return, Nael discovered that she had a new, young sister. For four years. Jordel's need for adventure and journey were great, but his love for his mate was also, if not stronger. Hed and Nael remained with her pack, but now it was Jordel's turn to convince her to come with him. So now, with a teary eyed fairwell, Nael has left with her greatest love out into the uncertainty of the Multiple Plains, and whatever mystery and dangers lay there without.