Elizabeth Dlouhy

Cestmir and Flanna Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

.Name origin/meaning: Czechoslovakian/"Fortress" .Birthday: August 26


.Story: Cestmir wasn't always a lion. In fact, he was born a Caspian tiger in the forests of Azerbaijan. But when he was very young, in the first months of his life, his parents were victims of a country-wide fur hunt, one of the many hunts that led to the extinction of his sub-species. Therefore Cestmir doesn't really remember much about his parents, (he never knew his father; he wasn't the paternal type) only vividly the last words of his mother's life: "Don't stop running and don't look back." Following her orders, he ran to the edge of the forest where he collapsed with exhaustion and sorrow...A few days later he woke up in the company of a not-so-ordinary white lion by the name of Beaumains, and found that he was not himself anymore; he was a lion. The only thing left on his body that could reveal him as once being a tiger were two black cresent moon-shaped stripes on his cheeks. He also noticed two golden rings adorning his tail and a strange new feeling of renewed life in himself. He had been given the chance for a new life; an immortal life filled with long forgotten practices. When Cestmir reached adolescence, he began training as a warrior and element with Beaumains as his teacher. He perfected his abilities until he became a keeper of fire: he could fully control it and even create it. These abilities, along with his immortality, were forged into the two tail rings Beaumains had given him so long ago. Without them, Cestmir is a normal Caspian tiger, and the only one left at that. When he completed all of his training, Beaumains tattooed a black pentagon-V on his forehead: the symbol of a warrior. The black spheres on his cheeks are the result of the acceptance ritual when Beaumains first brought him to Africa as an unconscious cub; the spheres were burned into his fur through to his skin with one of Beaumains' ceremonial acceptance poles, and the burning of the flesh during this ceremony distinguishes Cestmir as one of Beaumains "saved ones". Finally Cestmir reached adulthood, and at this stage in his life, the immortality of the magic rings took effect; he would forever remain as he was and behold the power of fire unless the rings were removed, and only then could death of old age claim him.

SO: During his childhood when Cestmir first came to live with Beaumains, he befriended a young lioness named Flanna who was already very well-learned in her practices. She too wore two golden rings on her tail that contained the eternal essence of her life and knowledge. Cestmir took comfort in that he had found someone that was like him, a companion, and that he was no longer alone and confused. Over the years Cestmir and Flanna grew romantically very close and eventually confirmed an eternal courtship when they both reached adulthood. Soon after, Laeurin and Scully were born, who were destined to follow in their parents' pawprints.

Personality: Cestmir is a bit of an introvert; he's very shy and withdrawn most of the time unless he's around those that he knows well. But on the contrary, he can be very bold in times of danger and trechery. He's very protective and strict, but he also has a soft side to him that shows brightly through around his family.

::Cestmir is the mate of Flanna and the father of Laeurin and Scully::

.Name origin/meaning: Irish/ "Red-haired" .Birthday: May 31


Story: Flanna's story isn't so unusual; in fact, it is pretty much a tale of a young lioness coming-of-age. As a cub, Flanna was always teased for being the nerd in the family; she's very smart and is always looking for new things to learn about-she wanted to know EVERYTHING. But, as simple as that plan sounds, it is not easy for a lioness to get access to such knowledge simply by being...just a lion. Flanna had heard of Beaumains and his teachings, and so she set out one day to find him. When she finally did, she asked for acceptance into his pride and begged him for the chance to learn outside her world. Well, Beaumains, being the adventurous type that he is, thought this the perfect opportunity to send out a student to gain knowledge on their own. Beaumains accepted Flanna into his instruction and gave her a quest to complete: That she travel around the world gaining all the knowledge she could by experience, and when she came back, he would give her a test on what she had learned. (Knowing that it would take quite some time for Flanna to complete the quest, Beaumains set a temporary hex on her that prolonged her cub-life. She would leave and return as a cub, and from there she would continue with her natural life.) Flanna took the quest and returned 154 years later. She highly surpassed Beaumains' test and was proclaimed the wisest of the worlds. All of her knowledge was forged into two golden tail rings as well as immortality that she gained as a "prize" for completing the quest. With immortal knowledge, Flanna would forever be able to guide and teach others of her experiences, and Beaumains soon found use for her as a Wisdom Council for the other pride members. She is a very good and well-known story-teller; the cubs of the pride often gather round her pedestal for infinite stories about her adventures.

SO: When Flanna met Cetsmir, she had just returned from her long quest. At first, she thought him rather sheepish and grim, but after spending endless nights talking and running through the savannah, she realized that she was falling in love with him. Over the years, the two confirmed their mutual love for each other, and vowed their eternal courtship. Laeurin and Scully were then born to the new happy couple. :)

Personality: Flanna is very open and social. She is one of the kindest souls you will ever meet, and she never raises her voice. She is very humble and modest which ties into her caring spirit. She loves to discuss ancient history, and has a flair for the arts.

::Flanna is the mate of Cestmir and the mother of Laeurin and Scully::