Elizabeth Roberts

Lessa Carson Character Reference

Place of Birth:
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Lessa is a little like me as well I guess. Well, in looks anyway. She has the glasses I used to have (until I got contacts,)she's got my hazel eyes, my wavey red-brown hair, and a power I've always wanted: telepathy. She all-around nifty. Who else could look as good as she does in black combat boots, a blue mini-skirt, burgandy t-shirt and brown trench? OK, so the outfit sounds lousy, but it looks cool. You'd just have to see it. So what's her story? Less works in Area 51 of the US Department of Defence as a guinea pig/test pilot/engineer. She specializes in experimentation with alien technology. Trained as a Navy SEAL, like her brother Derrick, and packing one of the highest IQ's on planet Earth, Lessa is prepared for anything. Except this. When she accidentally hacks into an ultra-high security data base, Lessa re-discovers the brother she never knew, or remembered. Derrick Carson, taken forcibly from their home fifteen years ago when Lessa was only seven. And listed as a test pilot for a Multiple Universes Theory project called "Not in Kansas". The next day, Lessa discovers that the boys in the lab have come up with another, more technologically advanced, version of the "Kansas" project: a machine that can act as a bridge between realities for one person. Guess who's on as the guinea pig. As soon as Lessa walks safely into the other dimension, the doorway back to her world, our world, collapses and Lessa is left looking at the barren waste land of a reality where the Cuban missle strike ended in a bloody third world war that remains unresolved. Just when all hope seems to be fading for our heroine, Lessa picks up a faint distress call on her communication devise. It's Derrick, lost somewhere in another reality, with Lessa as his only hope for rescue. Without a way back and a machine that can only plunge her forward through endless posibilities, Lessa's three major goals are : finding her brother, jumping to a fairly hospitable reality, and staying alive.