Vanessa Halls

Keir Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

The Almighty Tallest of a past age was outraged. The heir to his hard-earned throne could be any tall moron? Proposterous! ...Unless. Unless he were to create one.

A perfect male to heir his throne; tall. strong. fast. brilliant. handsome. Perfect in every way, shape and form. With one flaw. The gender.

Keir has always wondered about why she was there. She had always been treated different; sometimes superior, sometimes inferior. The young girl was especially puzzled as those around her began to age and become older, as she...did not. An eternal sweet-sixteen, she later discovered. Indestructable and immortal, and outraged by the incompitence of her species' scientists, she murders the Tallest...But not before he creates a successor...

Used cruelly as a tool, a pawn to destroy their enemies, Almighty Tallests for nearly 200,000 years have used this immortal female as an assassin. Years of unspeakable torture and agony droned by, shutting any door to her sealed emotions and making her a bitter, self-righteous bounty hunter. Especially after one particular incident with one particular male, whom left her when she found out why she had been created, and why she had outlived anything...But HIM. Her 'little brother' of sorts, the male created to take her place. Zan. Outraged at this heartless gesture, and being the black widow she is, she tried to kill the only one she had ever loved, but her remaining, painful love for him allowed him to escape.

A few years have passed since that incident, probably about 20 Earth years. Now sent on a mission to kill everyone's favorite midget Invader, Zim, this ruthless bounty hunter discovers something far more valuable than money--Others.

As this ancient teen discovers more and more of the truth about her past, more and more horrifying secrets emerge. However, the beast has, amazingly, been tamed...By an Irken Phantom by the name of Luon.