Evelien Chewy

Quido Bowen - Demon Character Reference

Place of Birth:
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Ah, Quido... ^^ He’s very cool and at the same time I hate his guts :P The first thing that you’ll notice when you meet Quido, is that he can’t see a thing. He’s is blind O.o He’s been blind since his fifth, due to him suffering from serious Diabetes. So he needs his shots every once in a while >: ) Quido is your typical “cute” [barfs], oblivious (most of the time he has NO idea what’s going on), innocent, wimpy and pretty dumb guy. Quido really isn’t the brightest ^~ And not much of a hero either. He’s easily scared, but that might also have to do with his disability and the fact he’s so darn dependent of others. He’d love to be able to move around on his own in unfamiliar places, but he really doesn’t mind being with other people – in fact, he wishes he could be more social and have more friends. He doesn’t have many friends :P He likes being hugged and having physical contact (does that sound pervy X-x), simply because he feels a lot of distance between him and others due to his disability. He can’t really believe they’re there until he feels they’re there, y’know? Quido is a generally nice guy. He doesn’t know how to be mean ^~ (unlike Marie!) He’s my funniest character, as he has humour, but most of the time he isn’t even trying to be funny :P When he bumps into walls/persons and such.. ^^ Quido is Italian (or “Faian”), but you don’t really hear an accent because he can easily adapt his voice. He can do lots of things with it! XD Speak different languages, but also make weird sounds like the sound of a gun shot or an animal or anything. He’ll most likely be some sort of voice actor when he gets older ^^ Um.. he can hear very well (partly because of his blindness). That’s why I gave him big bat ears ^_^ He also loves music and can play the guitar very well (he’s the guitarist in Marieke’s band ^^). Then his sense of touch increased when he got blind and when he meets someone for the first time, he usually asks if he can touch his/her face so he knows what they look like.. slightly. In his humanoid form, he usually walks around with a view stick, but I’m not sure about his furry form.. XD He’ll also have a sort of eyeseeing dog.. but it might not be a dog.. :P I still have to design one for him. And I’m not sure why I chose to make him a demon.. he’s not a badass AT ALL... XD He’s so, SO sweet. Perhaps because I’m an ironic little bitch? :P Oh, and if you feel frustrated, be sure to kick him! Cos he won’t kick back ^-^ Corsaness!