Faia Saiyajin

Rigel Kisaragi Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Name: Rigel Kisaragi
age: 20
height: 6 feet 4 inches
weight: 115 pounds

personality/hobbies: Rigel is an undiagnosed manic-depressive. His attitude is usually dry and cynical. However, he's prone to bouts of lunacy, complete with a violent streak. He enjoys writing poetry and drawing, making his own clothes, the smell of blood, bois, driving fast with the stereo loud, and fast electronic music.

appearance: Tall, pale-skinned, and wiry, Rigel has steel grey-blue hair that falls to his waist. Thick bangs conceal his intense grey eyes, which is a good thing, because Rigel has a habit of staring people down. His usual outfit consists of a black mesh sleevless shirt. His pants, which are home made, are fuzzy, and orange-and-black tiger striped. The pants themselves are low-rise, tight around the hips, and end in a huge cuff of almost 40 inches around. On the rare occasion that you see his feet, he wears a pair of tired black and grey Airwalk sneakers. He wears a wifebeater for one reason, to show off all his tattoos. His left arm is covered in a complex black tribal sleeve. On his right bicep there are more tribal designs, and more sleeve-work. The inside of his right wrist bears a UPC code, with the numbers 006210099. On his lower stomach, right above his pubic bone, there is another tribal tattoo, which accentuates the muscles of his stomach. The tattoos are there not only for decoration, but to also cover up the scars of self-mutilation.