Hobbez DaGreat

Pokemon Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

The character of Pokemon first appeared when I wrote an odd little skit that poked fun at Digimon and Pokey-mon (that's how I like to type it now ;p) A friend and I were trying to figure out the difference between the shows, and the biggest difference we could find was that the monsters in Digimon all have names that ended in "mon". So my warped mind wandered,thinking about a monster that would confuse trainers from the opposing show, and Pokemon was born. He orginally was just an annoying little fuzzball who poked people who deserved it (and sometimes those who didn't) and enjoyed irritating Wufei. The idea of him "digivolving" and all that stuff seemed very odd after a while, so he just goes poof to change into other forms. I'm not even sure if I'd call him a Digimon anymore. He's more of a........freak. Yeah, that's it. Like me. ^.^