Bridgette Berry

AIDU Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Nothing but an android, AIDU (Artificial Intelligent Data Unit) was created by the Froidians (see below) to collect data about the Irken or Irkens stationed on Earth. Once sufficient information had been accumulated, it would also be AIDU's responsibility to see to the destruction of said Irkens as she also serves as an assassin robot.

Fashioned as a female Elementary Skool student, AIDU was sent to Earth where she met up with a human named Dib. Having been told by the human that Zim was an alien bent on the world's destruction, she was set to kill the Irken until overhearing a sarcastic comment made by Gaz about her brother being from another planet. AIDU, being incapable of detecting sarcasm, took the quip seriously and destroyed Dib.

Well.. she THOUGHT she destroyed him, anyway. In actuality, she hit him over the head with a tire swing and dragged him back to Acero-9, the Froidian observation ship docked in one of the moon's craters. After being thoroughly scolded for her mistake, she was thrown into a garbage disposal by Vagus, one of the observation team members, who was more than a bit happy to do so.

Angry beyond belief (but only because she mimics emotion) and still somehow functional (though, her mind was never fully functional due to being a beta design.. as a result, she is quite stupid), AIDU helped Dib escape simply because he asked her to, as she knows no sense of loyalty or betrayal. They took off in an escape pod, after pulling some wires in the Acero-9's engine room, and ironically crash-landed right back in Dib's hometown.

AIDU now travels wherever she pleases as merely a data unit. She enjoys learning about the humans and mimics their emotion in order to fit in. She has a bizarre desire to become a cyborg so she can at least feel more human.

Miscellaneous Facts about AIDU - Behind her left eye is a camera, serving as her source of vision. - Behind her right eye is a laser. - She melted one of the scientists who helped create her, so the laser has since been deactivated. - She likes cheese. - She likes cheese with whipped cream. - She is incapable of feeling any emotion at all, though she mimics them. - She wants to be able to feel emotion. - Her fingers serve various purposes, such as knives, communication devices, and cheeze whiz/whipped cream dispensers.