Bridgette Berry

Froidians Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

The Froidians are from the planet which humans dubbed Uranus, though the native name is Froidendroit-7. The race is known for their pale blue skin, shiny lips, and webbed ears and have often been compared to fish (much to their frustration and extreme annoyance) by numerous other alien cultures.

Being cold-blooded, the Froidians were forced to live underground billions of years ago due to extreme climate changes on their planet's surface and have since lived off the heat provided by the warm, gassy core of Froidendroit-7. In the past hundred years or so, they had grown restless of such confined living and traveled the solar system in search of another planet capable of habitation. They were surprised to find a small planet not too far from the sun with all the necessary resources needed for a Froidian to survive, and even more astonished to find primitive creatures living on this tiny rock called Earth. The Froidians decided to observe these beasts known as humans from the Earth's moon, taking refuge in its craters. After a few years of surveillance, it was decided that Earth must be conquered and, as the people of Froidendroit-7 are technologically advanced, the subjugation was sure to be easy. However, the observation team was shocked when an Irken transmission was picked up emitting from Earth... such an obstacle needed to be taken care of.

Individual Froidians

Professor Graivs Being one of the most intelligent scientists to be found on Froidendroit-7, Professor Graivs was asked to create a data-collecting assassin robot when it was discovered that at least one Irken was stationed on Earth. When it became known that the Irken or Irkens attended a human Elementary Skool, it was assumed that the Invaders in question were not of towering height, and so the professor built an android fashioned after a female human child. The robot was dubbed AIDU, the Artificial Intelligent Data Unit and assassin meant to destroy the Irkens. Although.. AIDU is merely a beta design and not all the 'bugs' have been worked out, yet..

Vagus: Vagus is one of the two Froidians sent to the Earth's moon for human observation. He's extremely arrogant and laid-back as well as a 'class clown' of sorts. Every chance he gets, he makes it a point to annoy his partner with lewd jokes and stupid questions. He cannot STAND silence.. nor can he tolerate AIDU.

Urtza: The female partner of Vagus, second member of the observation team sent to the moon. She's deadly silent, though when she speaks, sarcasm usually drips through her words. She's very serious about her work and loathes Vagus.. well, more accurately, she loathes all the males of her race. One thing she and Vagus agree on, though, is the fact that they'd like to see AIDU thrown into a garbage disposal.

Miscellaneous Facts about the Froidians - They despise their planet being called 'Uranus.' - They hate Irkens and hope to one day rival them in galactic conquest. - They hate ice. - They hate fire. - They smell like stinky fish. - They hate being compared to stinky fish.