J. Molko

Akotchume Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Saturday, December 23rd 1995 is the day Akotchume [ah-koht-chu-mi] took her first breath. It is also the day she was thrown headfirst into a permanent, psychotic hell.



A cold, sterile lab is hardly what you could call home, but Ako had known nothing else since she opened her electric blue eyes to the blinding whiteness of it all. A pair of cold, white-gloved hands placed her onto a cold, white-glazed table, and severed the cords and wires that connected her to an intravaneous drug supply. Having no vocal chords, she could hardly cry with pain when her skin tore due to the rough treatment.

Barely minutes old, Ako began to experience drug withdrawal due to her sudden deprivation of the chemicals she had been exposed to since she was a cell. Bitterness began to fester in her young mind. In later years her agressiveness rendered her useless for experimentation, as she was too difficult to get to. Her sharp, needle-like teeth and jagged claws made sure of that.

She spent most of her time in the corner of her damp cage, glaring at a fellow prisoner or mutilating her arms and stomach with her claws, pulling at her skin until it tore and digging inside the wound with her teeth. Her electric eyes turned grey, her green skin turned a sickly colour not unlike mould, and her teeth decayed to jagged stumps.

There was one last experiment, one last horror to go through.

Ako allowed herself to be gagged and tied. It didn't matter anyway. Nothing matters. She allowed herself to be forced down a hallway. What's the point in fighting. She allowed herself to be strapped in a chair with leather bands, she allowed herself to have her eyelids stretched up with wire. What's the point in anything. It would come back to haunt her in later years. Why fight for my life when I don't have one. She allowed it all.

Click. The first image flashed on the screen in front of her. Another, like her, being vivisected. Akotchume swallowed as the first electric currents danced through her wretched body.

After the seizure, Ako tried desperately to close her eyes, but only succeeded in giving herself more pain. Her ears rang and her brain raced, before going blank. Before the next succesion of images flashed on the screen.

A rape. A Shock. Someone slicing their wrists. Shock. Jews in death camps. Shock. Dizziness and nausea over took her. She wretched violently before finally passing out.

The shocks and the images went on every day for several years. In time, Ako began to look forward to them. It meant she was allowed out of her cell, away from her tormenting cagemates. It gave her time away from her own bitter memories of abuse in the lab. Ako became sadistic.

When she saw the little girl being burned alive, she smiled. When the shocks sent white-hot pain through her body, her smile stayed transfixed. The scientists weren't counting on her becoming physically and emotionally numb. She spent so much time in her cell after these appointments, pushing the pain deep down inside herself, that it ceased to exist.

Now completely useless for any experiments, Ako was given a lethal dose of medication and left to die in the wild. But Ako was strong. She retched and vomited for days, then crawled into a hollow to begin the long road to recovery.

Now without the images and electric currents to take away the memories of her own abuse, Ako began mutilation again. She sifted through dumps to pour chemicals in her eyes, believing it would bring an end to the pictures of needles and wires in her mind. She sewed her ears up with wire, believing it would bring an end to the sound of her own skin tearing, the clanking of metal doors, the sneering voices of scientists. Nothing worked.


Her once blue eyes, now caked with residue from chemicals, percieve the world through a yellow film. Her ears twitch constantly, oozing pus and infection from rusted wire.

Festering wounds by her own hand adorn her limbs. Bitterness pumps through her veins. Rips into her organs as a last resort. But she is too strong for her own good... after a night of self mutilation there is nothing left to do but recover.

Nothing left to do but recover, and wreak her vegeance on the world that had made her such a bitter, hateful being.


A house, an open door. A small child. Yellow eyes squint, Absurdly long ears face forward, honing in on her first victim. Moonlight pinpoints razor-sharp claws.

Ako leaps.