Karen Kozlowski

Andrea Wrath-Mortis Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

I guess I should start off by saying that I used to be into online Role Playing.... a LOT. My character Alycia (whom I've yet to upload images off, but i will) concieved a child through her marriage. Thats where Andrea comes in.

Andrea was originally very tomboy-ish and loudmouthed. While you see her in my archive as red-haired, her natrual hair color is dark brown, but i'll get to that in a sec. Andrea is from a line of both poly-morphic dragons, and strong magic users. However, she chose not to become a mage, simply out of personal preference.

Okay, so where does the whole vampire thing come into play? Lemme tell you. When she was about 17-18 years old, she started to hang around many goths, and (unknown to her) vampires. They recognized her power, and within a matter of a week, had the permission from the Prince to embrace her.

Her "transformation" had caused many emotional changes in her. No, she didn't go crazy, but she's much more mellow now. That was when she dyed her hair crimson and bleached-and-silvered the tips.