Kez Dispenzer

Ancient Spirits/Hosts: Dee, Vee & Zee; D & Vkittah Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Oy, this is ultra-confoosing..

Dee: A troubled, girlish young cat-boi who crossdresses with a low self-esteem and whos family is decreasing rapidly due to mysterious murders. When he realizes he is the host for an ancient spirit that wants control of him, he first fights it, but gives up after a tragedy of sorts... Dkittah: The posessor of a cat doll who also has a human cat boi form, Dkittah [short for Demon Kittah] is an ancient spirit resurrected with a transvestite-y fetish, wearing a dress, tights, shaving, the works, not to mention his girlish appearance with the long hair and stuff. He is extremely perverse, and I usually RP with him.. in RP he has a deadly fear of Pikaki, especially his "magic wand" >D

Vee: A quiet cat-girl who never talks but stares at people unless she gets to know them, which is rare. Because of her low self-awareness she instantly gives over to her spirit. Vkittah: The vicious, loud partner of Dkittah, Vkittah [short for vampire kittah] takes no poo from anyone. She's just as angsty as she is biatchy, and likes to find excuses to beat on Dkittah, particularly his perversion. Vkittah is controlled by a single host that Dkittah has rejected, thus she climbs to her full potential.

Zee: A slightly pessimistic fox boi who loves Dee with all his heart, but cannot escape death, or so he thinks. The host inside him is awakened eventually, but he is too good-natured to do any good amidst the fighting.