Kinata Daemontah

Circe Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Age : 6573 / 17
Blood Type : A -
Date of Birth : She forgot... ( February 29 )
Dislikes : big scarey purple dinosaurs that corrupt little children's minds
Favorite Colour : Purple and Blue
Favorite Food : Brownies and Chocolate Pop Tarts
Favorite Quote : (When someone sticks out their tongue) "Don't take it out unless you're gonna use it!", "If we don't move it won't see us.." (meanwhile, they're in plain view of the monster/whatever)
Funny Tidbit : Sugar and caffeine make her tired...
Height : 5 feet, 7 inches
History : When your mother is Aphrodite, and your father is a cat-demon, you're pretty much destined to be alittle 'messed up' in the head. She doesn't remember a thing about her parents, except for what they are. She was basically wandering for her entire life. At the age of 12, she was 'rescued' by an evil circus thing, where she was made a slave and used as a side-show-freak act. She managed to run away from it a year later, and ended up becoming a slave of some evil dude named Baxter, and was put through more abuse. She continuously tried to escape, and was caught each time, each punishment getting more and more brutal. Finally she escaped sucessfully, and met her beloved husband Roach (Bunny's character). But she is still a slave to Baxter.
Hobbies : Cuddling with her beloved husband
Likes : Cuddling with her beloved husband
Occupation : Dominatrix Super Hero (or so she thinks)
Personality : Extremely hyper-active, "bouncy", sometimes obnoxious, just don't piss her off.
Strengths : She's cute and she knows it and will use it to get what she wants. She has very fast reflexes, and is very good at making friends.
Weapon : Whip, dark magic
Weight : 143 lbs.