Kinata Daemontah

Xan Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Age : 21
Birthday : Februrary 14
Eyes : Sea Foam Green
Hair : Black and Sea Foam Green
Height : 5'8"
History : He was taken from his mother at the age of 2 to live with his evil abusive father, D'oz. He ran away sucessfully at the age of 19, and lived with his best friend and now boyfriend. (Sorry girls.. His best friend claimed him first.) At 20 years old, he was reunited with his mother and little sister for the first time.
Name : Xander (Xan) Daemontah
Other : He has a habit of "borrowing" his sister's clothes, and when she complains about it, his comeback is "at least I look good in them". And his mother doesn't realise that he's gay (despite the fact that he wears his sister's clothes and she walked in on him and his boyfriend one time when they were cuddling on his bed.. His mom is dense.).
Personality : He's a mechanical and mathematical genius, but acts like a blonde.
Weight : 155 lbs