Kinata Daemontah

Malcolm Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Age : 18
Birthday :
Blood Type : B -
Dislikes : rollercoasters
Eye Colour : Bright green
Favorite Colour : Green
Favorite Food : Anything chocolate
Funny Tidbit : He has a gambling addiction
Hair Colour : Pinkish purple
Hieght : 5 feet, 11 inches
History : He was born into a very aristocratic and dominant family. He was imediantly proclaimed the "black sheep" of the family, because he wasn't very strong or brave. Because he was an outcast in his family, they began to make him their scapegoat. His older brother, Cliff, who is a pyro, often set fire to his treasured belongings, and sometimes him. His mother often ignored him, but if he "got in her way" she would burn his hands on the stove top. His father hated him the most, and if he even looked at him, he would beat the boy. Malcolm ran away one night and met his first and now best-friend, Kelley (Bunny's character), and now lives with him. He gets into trouble a lot with the law and other people because of his gambling problem, but he's trying to stop. (Not really...)
Hobbies : gambling
Likes : concerts
Name : Malcolm Jenalya
Personality : Very childish and gullible
Weight : 163 lbs.