Lacuna Vexilium

Sagodjura Vatra Arnardottir Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

The central "basic" character, Sagodjura is the ethereal, powerful, energetic, and wise gryphon. Fierce and often temperamental, she is the character most sacred to me.

Unlike Tourniquet, Sagodjura is entirely coal black, save for fiery markings on her ears, tail, and primary flight feathers. Her cere is grey or yellow, her beak and talons are black, and her eyes are red. All four of her paws are feline, and her tail, like Tourniquet's, is lupine.

She represents fire and light and is essentially Tourniquet's antithesis, although the two are occasionally merged.

Sagodjura is a wise gryphon, taking time to plan her actions, where Tourniquet is impulsive and often irrational. Sagodjura is highly intelligent- not as quickthinking or witty as Tourniquet, but much more erudite and omniscient overall.

Sagodjura represents the more mercurial and elated portion of my personality. Since she's an ideal, very few of my characters are based off of her.