Angela Sasser

Arashiko Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

AGE: Apparently 19 (Actually in her late 30's)

RACE: Saiyan

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 6 feet

WEIGHT: 150 lbs.


Quick to passionate outbursts concerning her heritage and her mission to defeat Frieza, Arashiko normally carries herself in a manner honed by seasons of court ettiquette and training. Calculating, passionate, and introspective, Arashiko never attacks her opponents head-on without first having defined their weaknesses. She is hardly playful and almost always distant, her years of serving under the King as an assassin forging her into a single-minded emotionless soldier. Even now, she fights the trained coldness that keeps her from opening up to others.

APPEARANCE: Arashiko carries herself with a straight, proud posture, her dark indigo hair spiking gracefully down her back. She has an icy, passionate glare accentuated by her sky blue eyes. Despite her young appearance, her body has been hardened by years of violent training and battle that have forged her muscles around her feminine frame. She moves with royal grace, her hair an ever present halo of dark strands.

BACKGROUND: Arashiko grew up on planet Vegeta in a special training facility for Saiyan Elite. Under the tutelage of her elder brother, Zorn, and the education of court helots, she was raised to be completely loyal to the Royal family skilled in the brutal fighting arts of the Saiyan Elite. At the young age of 13, she was placed as a Royal bodyguard to the King and his son, Vegeta. While others saw her as a defect, the King recognized the potential she had and placed her in his personal ranks. She frequently served as a diplomat for the Royal family and thus attained a great sense of pride in her work as an Elite, looking down upon the lower classes.

At 16, she was sent on a secret mission to infiltrate the Ginyu Force, Frieza's personal guard, and to assassinate the vile warlord himself. While in the Ginyu, she learned their procedures and also made friends with another female Saiyan in their ranks named Brana. Her mission was doomed however, when Brana reported her to their superior officers, Kaioden and Ryuichi, two royals of Arquisia who were Frieza's top alien officers. Brana hated her for being one of the Elite that had destroyed her family. In her desperate attempt to escape, Arashiko was forced to kill Brana, who had been her one and only friend.

She frantically made her escape in a pod, but Kiaoden and Ryuichi tracked her down to a small green planet where her ship had malfunctioned and crashed. Once there, Arashiko nearly defeated them in battle until the Arquisians revealed that they too had the power to form-shift. Kaioden gruesomely stabbed Arashiko and left her there on the planet to die.

However, she did not die, but was later revived by the inhabitants of planet Nameck as a weapon to use against the enemies of the Purunga Clan. During her stay on Nameck, Arashiko became close friends to the Eldest Nameck's son, Nail, and learned the language and martial art of Nameck. For 10 years, she stayed on Nameck until the evil clans had been subdued.

Finally, the day came when she decided that she must find her Prince and together with him defeat Frieza. Upon her departure, the Nameck Elder called the Eternal Dragon Purunga and wished for Arashiko to be bestowed with eternal youth, power, and the knowledge to use it, in return for her faithful service to the Dragon Clan.

She traveled throughout the galaxy, learning that her home planet had been destroyed. The realization drove her over the edge, causing her to reach a new level, that of power only whispered in old Saiyan tales of glory. She soon learned that there were now only a few Saiyans left, the Prince being one of the survivors. Now, Arashiko has made her way to earth where she believes the Prince to be.