Lleu Evenstar

Lleu Evenstar (me!) Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Quick facts

Name: Lleu Evenstar Age: (probably whatever age I am) Gender: female Eye color: green Hair color: hito: blonde | zat-shu(usual form): blonde | hikyuu: black (fur) Race: Panthera Conglomerus {homo sapiens} Weapons: Plantinum/sapphire galvanized ridged sword, blue beam saber, jinmenjuushin form Abilities: Psychic shield bubbles, holoportation/teleportation. Holotransformation, energy focusing/concentration. General Appearance: hito: blonde girl standing about 5'4", large star with quicksilver-like look in center of forehead. preferred clothes being baggy jeans, blue or black, pale blue strap-tops, orange/black/blue hoodies, and comfy skate sneakers zat-shu(usual form): black panther ears and tail, same clothes. Large white feathery wings can appear and solidify or disappear and degenerate holographically. hikyuu: Larger than average black panther. Quicksilver star remains on forehead. Silvery claws and large fangs. White feathery wings can appear/disappear in the same way as zat-shu form.