Maureen McCullough

kouhii Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

NAME: kouhii NAME MEANING: japanese for "coffee" CREATED: december 2000 AGE: 16 BIRTHDATE: june 10, 1985 HEIGHT: 5'4'' SPECIES: mouse FUR: white MARKINGS: none EYES: magenta HAIR: poofy purple bangs; sky-blue hair; semi-curly; shoulder-length PERSONALITY: considered very sweet, but when that time of the month rolls around, extremely irritable. ^~; not very good at giving advice, but an excellent listener. compassionate; her friends are her life and she loves them more than words can say LIKES: anime, sleeping, friends, internet, drawing, mexican & chinese food, summer break, bishounen, sappy love songs, moping around the house ^_- DISLIKES: being mis-interpreted, hot weather, cramps, being away from the ones she loves, rap music, math NICKNAMES: koffee mouse, kouhii-babe, kouhii-neko MORE... basically, kouhii = me. only she's a mouse with bi-colored hair. ^.^ she's also my favorite of all my characters. when cappuccino wasn't working out as my persona character, i made up kouhii. she likes/hates the same things as me, dresses the same, has the same personality, etc, etc.