Melissa Bradly

Melissa Cerberrus Wolfner Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Abilities: Werewolf transformation: happens every full moon, or when she gets in a rage.
Age: 14 years old
Date of Birth: September 24, 1987
Demon transformation: She can transform into her more powerful form, her demon form, whenever she wants.
Flying[Demon form]
Demon Summoning[Demon form]
Dislikes: Humans, being abused, ignorant people, Statik Klingue, Her real parents, and older brother.
History: Melissa was born in Juneau where she was raised for most of her childhood. When she was around 5, her family begun to abuse her for no reason, yelling, scolding, and beating her day after day. She was even raped by her perverted father. 2 years later, an evil spirit had possesed her body, and had the ability to take control of her of her mind, body and soul. A year later, the spirit got stronger as it fed off her anger, sadness, and pain. She reached her breaking point, and was immediatly taken over by the evil spirit. Melissa transformed into what it looked like, a demon form of herself. She killed her brother first, ripping his heart out, then she killed her mother next, by ripping her head off. Lastly, she beated her father to death, letting him suffer though. After she slaughtered them, she was transported to hell, where the creator of the spirit tha possesed her, was waiting. A powerful jackel demon, that had took the liking of her. He made a deal with her, that he would let her live forever, is she would be one of his servants,which she agreed to. After the deal, the evil spirit withered to nothing inside of her, but it still left some of the darkness, and evil tha still plagues her soul. She was transported back to Earth,in a large forest, where she was adopted by a large pack of wolves. She stayed with her foster family for about 5 years, and is still living with them today. Months later after her 14th birthday, she meets a tabby cat, that goes by the name of Manic...
Likes: Manic and Tranic Lighspeed's company, Ramen, Manic ^_^, being hugged,
spending time with her foster family
Name Meaning: Honey Bee
Nationality: U.S.A.
Nickname: Mel
Place of Birth: Juneau, Alaska
Sign: Libra
Species: Gray Wolf/Hedgehog Hybrid