Mel Panknin

Chris McAdderly Character Reference

Place of Birth:
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The penultimate hacker-slacker-fruitcake. But he's a sweety. He's about six feet tall, wears heavy clunky combat boots, and has generally messy hair. Likes wearing jeans, but sometimes, if it's hot enough or he's bored enough, he'll wear his boxers, and nothing else. He's fond of tshirts, but can also be found wearing tanktops from time to time. He has two necklaces he wears constantly: one is a wide black leather choker with a gold triangle molded into it, the other is a red pentagram he recieved as a focus gift from the High Priest in the coven he joined. He has a nasty looking scar over his right eye, running straight down the middle of it. His mother restored his sight and healed the wound, even though she was forbidden to. As far as personality goes, he's a sweety.... fairly bizarre, a little depressed, but a sweety. His dad's a hardcore Christian, which rather pushed Chris away at an early age, and his mother is a practicing Pagan, which somehow drew him in. Perhaps his powers defined his religion in a sense. His powers, which are fairly well developed at this point in his life, include telepathy, telempathy, telekinetics, and other, vast skills, that add up to he's pretty superhero-ish, in ways. He has tendancies (inherited from his father) to try and eat things bigger than his own head.... meaning, he bites off more than he can chew... Constantly. His mother taught him most of what he knows now... and his father has been rather an unimportant figure to him, as his father kicked him out of the house at a relatively young age (14) and Chris annoyed his dad by coming back, two years later, and not being too much different. He thinks chivalry is cool, and likes computers, as well as a local cafe/coffeehouse called the Mercury, or the Merc for short. Former occupations: Dark Jedi, SWAT Kat, psychopath, pilot, and a few dozen other things. Is still a good enough pilot to make T-Bone scared.