Nori Shiitake

Chi Knaifuno Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Young vampire, about 20 ish. Wears the trenchcoat like everyone else, but his is white (ODD). He has black eyes and hair, two hardly visible fangs that look more like strange canine teeth. he's VERY sweet to woman and very chivalrous. He is shy around men, as he hasn't been around them often. He hates blood and LOVES hamburgers. They are his favorite food. He doesn't like ketchup (it looks like blood!) or veggies.

THE STORY: Chi's power came from his father who was excuted after purifying himself with Chi's mother. Chi's mother commited suicide, grieving her lover's loss and realizing what she had done to her child after she had Chi. He was brought up by a group of christian women in the Red Door District of Germany (This is made of from some red doors I see around town that I LOVE). He has many complications as he is sweet and kind, and god-fearing even though he doesn't realize he is the son of a demon. He is a kind and normal guy, until he is approached by another man who looks like him and acts like him but wears all red and has paler features. Apparently, it's his wicked side (Shi) which has seperated from his body because his heart was too pure. As Chi goes through life, he encounters more and more sin and his constantly reccuring evil side begins to join him slowly. He tries to fight it off, but the only way he can repel it fully is by having a true love to make his heart fill with emotion as a child's. Shi is not only his exact opposite, but can show up and taunt him. In order to officially defeat Shi, Chi must fight him in a duel and lock him in the iron heart, a box created by the almighty one to control those demons which were so cruel that their exsistance was not even wanted in hell. And unlike most vampires, Shi has been stalking him and making it impossible for him to sleep. He wants Chi to go insane. Chi walks the streets, often trying to run away. Unfortunately, most females think he is homosexual (and he's not!) so it's quite difficult to overcome his evil side. One particular day, He meets an artist and singer Koneko LeBelle. She's a very intelligent and beautiful woman, half japanese and french and in search of a future. Chi begins to think that she may be the one, all though she thinks he is also fairly fruity. Constantly trying to convince her he isn't joking when he says he loves her, his life becomes more difficult. Finally, in a desperate attempt to finally believe, he bites her. This has proven his story is true and he then whispers to Koneko that his life wasn't really all that important to him until he met her. She stares at him and asks him why he said that. He smiles. This sets the scene for his battle with Shi. Shi appears immediately and they begin to fight. Because Chi showed his true nature and actually took the blood of a female virgin without consent, he must fight Shi weakly. Just as he is about to die, Koneko realizes what he is going and has gone through and realizes he is fighting only because she lets him go on. At this moment, she realizes she also loves him and she screams it out to him. He smiles a large smile and stabs Shi through the heart. Angels descend from heaven and hand the iron heart to Koneko, telling her to give it to the one she loves. She promptly walks to Chi, gives him the box, and he seals Shi. The box is given back to the angels who ascend back to where they came from. Chi wraps his arms around Koneko and kisses her softly. She smiles back at him, and they walk into the rain without an umbrella. Just for the hell of symbolism.