Jessi Thornton

Jezzora Danzzolora Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Age: Un available, she appears to be in her late twenties
Family: Rebecka (Daughter, deceased), Doran (Grandson, deceased), Aubrey (Grandson, deceased), Raborn (great grand son) Phoenix &Kiana (great grand daughters, twins)
Affiliation(s): The Council and her Lady
Height: 5’ 11”
Name: Jezzora Danzzolora
Nickname: Jezza
Weight: 130 lbs
Appearance: Tall, thin and rangy. Red gold hair falling to her waist in a silken cascade. That silken cascade hides the worst of the scars that criss-cross her back, forming a jagged tracery. Her eyes are cold, steely blue, showing little compassion or warmth, save to a very special few. Another scar makes a jagged circle around her neck; one slashes from beneath her chin up onto her right cheek. A scar circles both wrists and both ankles like barbed wire. One final scar curls across her left palm, she put it there herself when she swore a blood oath to avenge her people on her father’s fresh grave.
Personality: Once she was swift anger and irrational. Now a days, while her temper is still formidable when roused, she is slower to anger and only when it’s truly needed. She is calmer now, more centered, even if she is bored most of the time. She lives her life by the same strict code of honor she has all her long life.
Skills/expertise: Adept class combat mage, her power based in and strongly resembling flames. Skilled in hand to hand combat and sword work, seeing as she never had mage power during the war. Also quite good at tracking.