Regan Cerato

Kellamintara Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Name: Kellamintara

Gender: Female

Age: 20 thereabouts; she doesn’t really keep track

Height: 5’8

Occupation: Professional Thief

Weight: None of your business

Species: Good old ordinary human

Favorite Food: Red Flairry. Give her wine and you’ll be her bestest friend in the room forever.

Pets: Nein. Imps are fun! (pic)

Looks: Unrehearsed in the art of feminine primping, her blonde hair is a shaggy mess that hangs down to her shoulders. Sharp, attentive green eyes and long fingers are the rest of her immediately noticeable features. She can usually be seen wearing a dark green cloak over her medieval clothing, and is always in accompaniment by her wide brown belt. Angled off of one hip so as to make it easier to move around with, it’s weighted down with knives, bags, stones, and other such random items as acquired from years of stealing and necessity.

Abilities and History: Not a bit of magical power in her (which isn’t always best in the crowds she tends to associate with for her work life), but makes up for it with her reflexes, strength, and the ability to haul her arse out of a situation that has gone undoubtedly for the worse. Street-smart and sorely lacking in the world of feminine wiles, she has been dubbed by many as a genuine smart-ass, but a determined one who can keep her wits about her. Born in a small village and on her own by the age of twelve, she has become one of the most renown and sought-after thieves around, employed by whoever intrigues her attention and her purse. Due to her lifestyle, years of self-imposed solitude, and a few things she doesn't care to mention, she’s... cracked slightly. Whenever she actually is around people, her conversation is marred by punctuated bursts of both witty insight and all-out insanity. Beware her wrath, but once you get around the tough exterior, those scant few friends she makes are her companions for life.