Richimi Getsu

Taiko-Haru Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Taiko-Haru is the main character of my manga. He lost his family at the age of four to a volcano/landslide. He was hit on the side of the face with a huge piece of debris, taking away half of his memory and leaving him with a bloody scar.

Seeing his dead parents left an opening for an unknown demon to take half his soul and spirit, so he is now more of an empty shell than a child.

He is found by Benjamin, and taken to a remote mountain Dojo and smithy, where he spent his childhood mastering the Chain-and-Sickle. The weapon is looked down upon, because it is very hard to master and is a very uncommon, cumbersome weapon.

He truly becomes a master of it, and looks down on other weapons, saying they have no taste or artistry

Taiko-Haru is more of a loner, his estranged, arrogant, cutthroat and silent nature is is really from the loss of half his spirit and memories and growing up alone. He regains it much later after meeting the lord and his beloved.

Taiko is fairly short, but very fast. Not very agile, but not clumsy either , this is probably his main weakness. When he fights all his agility goes into using his weapon.