Shadow Memory

Ky Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

She is a human|tiger|uKavkem. As a human she has dark brown blond streaked hair, grey eyes which seem to change colour and she always wears something black even if it is only her shoes. She has her ears pierced and usally wears gold of diamnond studs. SHe always wears a pent,agram necklace and a silver ring which her mate - Neike Apollyon Sa.tana - gave her. Neither of these she takes off.

As the uKavkem is purple with brown tiger stripes. She wears a dark crystal in the shape of a pent,star which she never ever takes off.

As the tiger she is black with gold eyes and amber stripes, her tauils is a little longer than normal tiger tails though.

Basically she in human form is what I look like. ^_^