Ashlon Hale

Traelis Mack Calmere Character Reference

Place of Birth:
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Traelis is a spoof and an all out goofball in certian times, but he's also loving, caring, sweet and sensitive and straight! He was brought up by his adoptive father Falcañour in the Black Army, been raised there his whole life. He almost never knew his parents; they were killed when he was about a year old, along with his almost newly borne baby sister. Traelis was at first reluctant about Falcañour; I mean, wouldn't a pure black unicorn anthro, standing eight foot two with almost white looking iris' freak you out at first too? In a way the Army was all he knew, the Army and a stern General who didn't take no as an answer, even and especially from a young child who SHOULD know better if he were taught by Falcañour. Life was relatively peaceful for him until he met his lifemate Alana around the age of nineteen and had a daughter with her. But alas his happiness was shattered, because Alana grew ill with an incurable desisese and died while giving birth to Traelis' son Dante. A depression soon hit and took it's full force on not only him, but every one around him for seven years. He grew solemn, mean and bitter, a far cry from what he usually was, which was the opposite of what he was then. It took a ghost to make him see life, ironically. Now all he's trying to do is survive the war he and the rest of the Black Army are in, and trying not to break down under the circumstances. in many ways, his looks and natural air of charisma is to blame for all his suffering. He cannot escape the women who seem to fall head over heels for him, nor the sudden death of those who did and he also loved. Over all he seeks a peace he has yet to find only in killing, and escaping his own suffering.