
Snowhawk Alyandra Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Date of Birth: 28 Ter'grim, 2981 Age: 27 (at novel beginning) Height: 5'8/1.73m (Average height for species)

Novel Information: Snowhawk earned a reputation at her first owner’s home for being willful and aggressive. Mather kept her around, as her bloodlines are exceptional, but after a time, found her to be more a liability than she was worth. When she attacked another stallion on loan to attempt to breed her, then right after, one of the guards, he made the decision to send her off for sale. No bloodline, even if it was directly related to the former royal family, was worth the hassle and headaches she caused.

Last names are uncommon for slaves, but Snowhawk was given hers by another slave, one dear to her. She some how convinced Mather to allow it to become official, though she has never revealed how.

Likes: affection, cuddling, learning, simple clothing/jewelry, forests/nature, night/moon and stars, water, fish Dislikes: complicated clothing/jewelry, others threatening Helaine, being left out of the loop with her future