Tay Yankovic

Kal and Zerin Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

--- KAL --- Kal is a neko wizard, most resembling a dark red lion. There isn't much to be known about this creature. (Read Tessandra Downing's bio to learn more about how he effects the other characters.) After the seer had prophesied Tes's fate, Kal had changed. He began wearing a patch over his left eye. His generally snide personality twisted into something evil and almost violent. He seemed to only have one thing on his mind. Revenge. But on what? He wasn't sure, himself, at first. Then, a few days after he had sent Tes looking for her "other half", while looking through some of his otherworldly books, it was all clear to him. The Neverhood. Was it possible that he had been there once before? He had sudden strong feelings against the place the moment he laid eyes on its name... ---ZERIN--- Zerin is also a neko wizard, most resembling a cheetah. He was Kal's mentor at one time. He soon found out about Kal's horrid changes and decided that he needed to be stopped. So he went to see what was wrong with him first hand. Much to Zerin's surprise and dismay, Kal had changed for the worse. He had grown horribly thin, his fur was a mess, and he had this crazed grin on his face. And his visible eye... There was a coldness in his eye. A coldness that wasn't there before. Kal lashed out at Zerin almost immediately upon his arrival, so Zerin fought back. The fight lasted several hours before Zerin pinned him down to the floor and sent a draining spell through Kal's body. With Kal's last ammount of strength, he knocked Zerin's staff aside - which allowed him up off of the floor - and cast one final spell, which... seemed to do nothing, really. Zerin was sure Kal was dead. However, unbeknownst to Zerin, Kal's soul had resided inside of the cheetah wizard until he can find a way to have complete control over him...