Tara Reynolds

Chaos (Dragon Form) Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

In a distant galaxy, there once was a peaceful planet called Drac. This planet was inhabited by a race of peaceful dragons. These dragons lived happily, and never experienced the horror of wars…or battles. However…not ALL the dragons were peaceful. The dark dragon Xyphon resided in a mountain…far away from the main population of Drac, just waiting for a chance to strike. And strike he did…one day Xyphon invaded the main population of Drac…taking the town with force..with help from his evil legion of dragons. For many years the dragons of Drac tried to take the planet back from Xyphon…but were unable to.

Now…Xyphon had a seer…to tell him of any possible dangers that could threaten his rule over Drac. All the prophecies were good…until one day...the seer told a prophecy…one that would change Drac’s history forever. This prophecy stated, that one day a mighty dragon would be born from an egg with black spots. This dragon would come out of his egg, clutching a small orb. This orb could only be controlled by the dragon who was born with it…and this orb was extremely powerful. Once the dragon was grown, he would be powerful enough to overthrow Xyphon. Xyphon was alarmed by this news, and set out in search of this egg.

However Xyphon was too late…for the seer’s prophecy stated that one day a dragon would be born…but he never said WHICH day…and that day was the day the prophecy was told. So Xyphon found the broken eggshell and a small white dragon with black wings clutching a small orb. Xyphon immediately went to kill the hatchling but was repelled by a strong force. The hatchling was being protected! So Xyphon did the next best thing…he killed the hatchling’s parents, and left it all alone, to die.

At that time the old ruler of Drac, Ziconia, was flying over head. He saw Xyphon slaughter the young hatchling’s parents, and watched as Xyphon left the hatchling all alone. As soon as Xyphon was gone, Ziconia landed and took the hatchling off to his home in the mountains. There he raised the hatchling, whom he called Chaos, for when he gazed into the orb the dragon was born with, he saw swirling patches of white and black, which he thought looked like chaos.

Chaos also had a special ability that Xyphon didn’t know about. He was a morpher…able to take any form he wished, whenever he wished. Chaos practiced this skill every chance he got until he was a master at it…this would prove helpful in his upcoming adventures…

Many years later, when Chaos was still a young dragon, Ziconia died…killed by the evil Xyphon. Chaos hid away, in hopes of not being caught, but he swore that one day he would restore peace to Drac and destroy Xyphon and his dark legion of warrior dragons. Then Chaos left Drac, knowing it was too dangerous for him to stay, but he promised to himself he would return one day, when he was strong enough to carry out his task.

From then on Chaos wandered the galaxy, hiding away on many planets, just trying to survive. He had many adventures…but the thing he wanted most was peace for his planet…