Rhiannon o' Forest

Kishi Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Name: Kishi

Species: Giant Jungle Bat Anthro

Gender: Female

Birthdate: Unknown

Age: Early-Mid teens

Height: 5’0”

Weight: 50kg's

Home: Any warm jungle; tropics.

Occupation: Wanderer

Family: Mother: Currently Unknown. Father: Darshi (Human)

Fav. Colour: Navy blue/deep purple.

Fav. Food: Birds, small owls.

Fav. Pastime: Staring into the distance, planning attacks.

Fav. Music: Thunder

Fav. Animal: Dragons

Fav. Season: Summer

Appearance: Mostly like a giant bat- green furred, with black/dark grey wings as part of arms, although paws/claws are at the very end to allow some manipulation of objects. Silver eyes. Huge bat-ears even more oversized than normal.

Quirks/General Info: Likes the thrill of flying near to and through thunderstorms. Is constantly searching for her meaning in life and the reason she is so different. Is often quiet but can lash out at people with no apparent reason. Is insane, and feels a mad need to torture and kill those who hurt her.

History: Kishi was born as a mixture of human and the giant jungle bats in the area where she lives. She was found abandoned when she was only half a year old, but was already half the size she is now, and was capable of looking after herself mostly. She escaped her captors and lived in the forest with her fellow bats for half-a-dozen years. Unfortunately, she was the victim of lots of hatred, as she wasn't a full bat, and the full bats hated half (anthro) bats for no reason other than that they are different. She went insane, starting to long for bloodshed, and killed several of her tormenters, but hid the truth from everyone else. After a while she started to get curious about her parents, and ventured out of the forest to find them. She was unable to find her mother, but after a years worth of searching found her birth father. Still curious, she wants to find out who her mother is, and why she is like she is.