Emily Eickhoff

Zekk Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Basics first - Name: Zekk ('magine that.) Age: Undetermined Gender: Male... in his own Irken ways. Eye color: Right is red, left is blue Location: Planet Irk

Bio - After some sort of genetic error, Zekk was born as a seemingly normal Irken, the only flaw being his bicolored eyes. From the beginning, he was gawked at, since there hadn't been others in Irk that had this eye deformality. Many believed those abstract eyes would beat Zekk down, but it's quite the opposite; those red and blue eyes appear to be his claim to fame. His attitude is seemingly well, he can be extremely depressive and irritating though. At least when he wants to be. This adjustment with attitude led the Tallest to somewhat like Zekk, giving him a place in the security unit. His efforts failed though, when he mistakenly caused a severe accident. The casualty number was zero, but many worried for their safety and Zekk was lowered down in duty, now becoming an Invader. This plan also ceased, and the Irken was left with nothing really to do. He finally found work from a mindless Irken about a run-down asylum. Zekk took the place into custody, now using it to house any insane maniacs that come through. He also uses it for experimenting and tampering with genetic substances... but his intelligence in that field is limited and he isn't the greatest at it. 0.3W, Zekk's SIR, has a unique personality. He's a bit like Gir, but with a darkside as well. This SIR loves attention and would rather have himself recieve it instead of his master. However, he is very attached to Zekk, which seems to be a good thing between Irken and SIR. But that isn't all... there's more. Sergie also comes into play here. She and Zekk are sort of a couple. I think. Sergie's creator, Cammiluna, believes they're an adorable pair. I agree. Your thoughts on that? I'll write more later.