Bridgette Berry

A Happy Family? Version 2 (-SLASHY-)
A Happy Family? Version 2 (-SLASHY-) by @idgiebay (Bridgette Berry)

I'm setting all my slash pics to M so people won't have to look at the thumbnails.

Same as the other one, except Fuschia's not wearing his read contact, so his eyes are mismatched. He somehow looks more adorable this way, in my strange mind. XD

Mature (O)
Finished Work
22y213d ago
Other Work By @idgiebay

Comments & Critiques (6)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 06 March, 2002 @ 02:06 AM

Heh.. first of all, it's just art, so why the heck are you taking it so seriously? Secondly, why don't you take your own advice and just not look at my updates? If it makes you so sick, why do you keep coming back? I understand the fact that it makes you sick and I respect that because I know not everyone likes my art, nor do I expect them to, but I like what I do. If you think your little rants are going to stop my 'obsession over gays' (of which I have none, really, but I suppose it seems that way to those who don't know me.. and you do NOT know me), you are sorely mistaken. Stop wasting your time on pathetic little me.

Oh yeah, regarding your little 'Jhonen says' defense, this is all I have to say on the matter: "...when you create characters and a storyscape that occupy somebody else's imagination, you lose sole authority to determine how that work resounds in others' dreams." -Mikal Gilmore, intro to The Sandman: The Wake

Posted: Wednesday, 06 March, 2002 @ 02:03 AM

I LOVE THIS. KAWAIIIIIIIII! And I agree... the eyes do look cuter this way.

Posted: Wednesday, 06 March, 2002 @ 09:32 AM

Awwwww! So cute! giggles And the look on Fuschia's face is priceless!

Posted: Sunday, 10 March, 2002 @ 09:01 PM

Adorable! Keep it up!

Posted: Sunday, 23 June, 2002 @ 05:24 AM

Awwww! So adorable Fuschia is!! that's why oko loves him! Whee!! Mouko said i can have him....i think....did you say that Mouko? I seenm to recall you saying that but i have a wishful imagination....must RP with all of you ppls!!

Posted: Saturday, 21 December, 2002 @ 08:45 PM

Is it jest me, or does Purple look high...

But all and all, colness pic! OH THE SLASHY GOODNESS!

~ s.c.f ~

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  • Heavy Critique - A serious analysis of this work, with emphasis on identifying potential problem areas, good use of technique and skill, and suggestions for potentially improving the work.
Please keep in mind, critiques may highlight both positive and negative aspects of this work, but the main goal is to constructively help the artist to improve in their skills and execution. Be kind, considerate, and polite.