Bridgette Berry

Where's Dib taking Zim? (-SLASHY-)
Where's Dib taking Zim? (-SLASHY-) by @idgiebay (Bridgette Berry)

I'm setting all my slash pics to M so people won't have to look at the thumbnails.

Oh.. my.. gosh.. I like this one. o.o;; Drawn simply for the heck of it.

Mature (O)
Finished Work
22y147d ago
Other Work By @idgiebay

Comments & Critiques (6)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 08 February, 2002 @ 06:44 AM

WAH!!!! IT'S SOOOO CUTE!!! Goodness I like it so much!! It's wrong in soooo many ways, but I LOVE it!!

-Asashi http://www.side7.com/art/asaskaig/gallery.html

Posted: Friday, 08 February, 2002 @ 10:12 AM

AWwwwwwwww id so KAWAII!!! Cutie Zim!! Id so cute. Once again, great work. I love the facial expressions! ^.~

Posted: Saturday, 09 February, 2002 @ 09:22 PM

Weee! I do love the facial stuff much! The whole image is good ^^ Not a big Zim/Dib slash fan though... == Still, iss good! :D (Wow.. I have lots of moodswings)

  • Kez, the taco pirate
Posted: Sunday, 10 March, 2002 @ 04:20 PM

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i get the IZ line in it ( for you poor doomed people who don't know, it's "let's go to my room pig!-gir KAWAAII

Posted: Thursday, 21 March, 2002 @ 06:35 AM

I read your biography and I know this is a little late...(Piano starts up) but Happy Birthday to you, the brilliant artist of Aidu, and Gaz Gir Dib The tallest and Zim, and other random Irkins too. AND MANY MORE!!!!! BUH-BYE!!!!WEEEEEEE!!!!(Runs away with nosey people staring. THEIR SO RUDE!!GOD I LIKE PIE!!!!)

Posted: Wednesday, 01 May, 2002 @ 03:46 AM

That's sooooo cute!!!! Aww...lookit Zimmy blushing!!


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  • Heavy Critique - A serious analysis of this work, with emphasis on identifying potential problem areas, good use of technique and skill, and suggestions for potentially improving the work.
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