Kim Cyr

Hair Colur Wonder.
Hair Colur Wonder. by @NamelessDragonic (Kim Cyr)

I was RPing on Furcadia.. Hogw@rts School to be precise.......... I was playing as Nekiru.. and Nekiru was with her twim(yes, it's twim.) Saykobi (HI HANNAAAAAAAH!!!!) and another girl named Emily[something]. Then Emily decided to change the color of our hair. She turned Saykobi's hot pink, her's sun yellow, and Nekiru's neon green. When Saykobi was AFK, she turned her hair and Neki's back to normal.. though they were plotting on keeping Kobi's hair pink... just for fun ^^

I made Neki's tail fluff color the same as her hair because the feline's tail fluff color in Furcadia is the same as the hair. Yes. And the bracelet/ring-thing is because they have those to... and because Neki's in Ravenclaw, it's blue. Joy. dies Artwork © Copyright 2003 Kim Cyr

21y341d ago
Other Work By @NamelessDragonic

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 03 January, 2003 @ 11:26 PM

Tee hee... I may not be a Harry Potter fan but, I like this picture... MeW

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