Hayley Price

Wow! Something that's NOT Sailor Eons?
Wow! Something that's NOT Sailor Eons? by @catrine (Hayley Price)
To recap: Yes, I hate my Personal Finance class. Yes, you DO lose points for mixing up the terms 'hazard' and 'risk'. I lost points on a test for using the word 'Process' instead of 'Method'. Apparently we were supposed to memorize definitions word for word.

Basically, this is a half formed idea that took shape in my head, and was too amusing to fade away.

Notes of interest: Catrine isn't a little paranoid, she's VERY paranoid. Xellos is just being polite, or is unaware of the depths of her paranoia. I think I took Xellos a bit out of character, no doubt he'd just innocently set up a few incidents to get someone thoroughly involved in something rather than just ask.

In this way, he was comandeered into my elaborate hate letter to Personal Finance. Also, I didn't have a 'Catrine interacting with Xellos' image, and felt that I needed one. That Brings the 'Cat vs Bishie' total up to four.

If Xellos looks a little too pleased in the last panel, it is because he has not only chosen the perfect time to ask Cat something, but because he has wandered into the world's most effective pit of ultimate suffering.

The horror, oh the horror . . .

21y190d ago
Other Work By @catrine

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 08 January, 2003 @ 12:30 AM

Awwwaaa!!! That is so CUTE!! I don't think you took lil Xellos out of character too much...grins it's good for him from time to time. Good job on conveying the total hatred of Personal Financing...I can't say I've never been in one of those situations...Keep up the great work!

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