Twisted Deformaty by @silvolf (Lara Ryan)
This took me two evenings to complete and it turned out adequately hideous too! Originally it was supposed to be a deformed blob that was just about distiguishable as a dog. I'm not very good at blobs though. Anywho, its paws are supposed to be all twisted around and the tail is actually infused to the hind leg through its back if you look closely. Its eye's hanging out a bit too. And it has boils here and there and scaley skin in places. One of its back legs is shrivelled a bit as well. And what you may be thinking inspired me for such a monstrocity? A picture of a Dachshund someone did for a game called Petz 4 with its legs on the wrong way. This thing actually runs around the computer....though I've no idea how and I can't download it cos I only have Petz 3. Ahh, I'm in a halloween mood!
Weird, Gross, Twisted, Warped...... I LOVE it!!!
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