Ryan McKanna

Kai is Watching
Kai is Watching by @ryanmcka (Ryan McKanna)

While in #furry, I idly mentioned my photo manipulations, and Kai particularly enjoyed some of them. So much, in fact, that he asked me to manipulate one of the pictures he had available on the web. I took the most interesting picture -- one of him stuffing his mouth with what looked like Ritz Crackers -- and took the request seriously. This is the result.

Once again, it's rated teen because it might be a bit disturbing. Look at it for yourself! The title is based on the wall behind Kai. If one had layer support on the image, one could remove Kai himself and see the words "Kai is Watching" scratched haphazardly into the wall behind him.

The original photograph was taken by a friend of Aaron's; as such, Aaron has given permission for the original photograph to be manipulated. Aaron Hunstman has also given his permission for this manipulation to be posted on a public website.

Teen (O)
Finished Work
22y331d ago
Other Work By @ryanmcka

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