Ryan McKanna

Distorto-Matt by @ryanmcka (Ryan McKanna)

Matt Meznarsic is a local friend of mine, and has been since approximately sophomore year in high school. Now, I don't really consider him anyone particularly gothy or scary, so I really have no idea why this picture turned out the way it did. In fact, I'm giving it a Teen rating because it may be slightly disturbing.

This is the picture that started it all! One night after my regular Saturday night internet broadcast, I decided to mess with a picture of Matt to show him and another friend what can be done with Photoshop. The result was so... bizarre, that I had to do more.

The original photograph was from a miscellaneous pile of pictures I took at my house a long, long time ago with my Kodak DC210+Z.

The original photograph was taken by myself. Matt Meznarsic has given his permission for this manipulation to be posted on a public website.

Teen (O)
Finished Work
22y328d ago
Other Work By @ryanmcka

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