Jennifer Wong

As Fair As Thee Sweet Lady
As Fair As Thee Sweet Lady by @rillystar (Jennifer Wong)

Finished! This is the crappy digicam pic version of the coloured piece. I will rescan when I get the chance and upload a better copy. I had to fix a bit in Photoshop because the picture came out greyed and dingy not like the real thing >.<

This was for Reddy's Gaia commission. I'm not so hot with metals so I think it turned out fairly ok. I like how my bushes turned out. too bad I had to crop a lot of it out. Not so happy with the potted plants....and I think maybe overall colour scheme is off...I like the knight in red though...it's the girl's dress I'm so-so about....ah well....maybe should have had her in blue or some odd....too late now.

Anyhoo Completed May 18th, 2004. Coloured with Copic Markers on marker paper (oh that paper makes such a huuuuge difference)

Finished Work
20y52d ago
Other Work By @rillystar

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 12 June, 2004 @ 02:23 AM

The background is great! The shading is great for markers. The transition in colors is so smooth and unnoticeable..

Posted: Saturday, 12 June, 2004 @ 11:05 PM

First thing I thought was that the knight looks like one of the character from Lodoss War. Not a bad thing. My compliments on his armor. Looks like you thought out everything you put on him. And the rest of the pic...props for all that detailing. It looks good.

Only critique--with the every bit of the knight tinted red, it looks like he's from a completely different picture than the princess and the background... (That or he is an Apache knight with bronze armor. Heh.)

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