YAY!!! KidK should wear her hair down more. Great pic!
I am uploading this from BASTIMOOF'S house :D I drew it yesterday for KidKaaay cuz we missed her and I was worried about her so I drew US! From left to right, Bast, KidK (with her hair down!), and Lynne (MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!).
I dunno what's up with the background. o.o I did something semi-elaborate to kill time while Bast was in the shower, and it ending up being a hideous unholy cross between Venice and Reno. My two favorite cities! |=|:D
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Now that I have both my hands free--no phone =]--I can COMMENT! hugglecuddle Thank you so much. ^.^ I loce you guys and hopefully sometime soon we can do this three-way hug stuff for reals. You always makes my hair look pretty. ;.; We are all such pretty girlies togetha. I am so happeeeee to have friendses like you, and I like the background. clauses in sentences don't have to related to one-another, apparently o.o...the post things with the red lights were OBVIOUSLY put there by ALIENS. >.9...and none of mine are 'fessing up, so I'mma blame...the Negaverse. Yeah. That's usually right.