Li Chi Son

BREAK!!!!! YEAH!!! XD Since no more university till Jan, sketches!
BREAK!!!!! YEAH!!! XD Since no more university till Jan, sketches! by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

God, this pic looks horrible when it's small. All the detail is gone, I htink you have to squint just to see the pic. cries I don't want to add a gigantic pic tho...

N e hoo. I'll reload the pic again for those who might see the original to a bigger format but not overly big.

That's Master Okosocki, the high priest of Planet Summon. An old character that I have been reformatting again. Even the name is cheesy. Made it up when I was still in grade 8 and started my fasination with japanese names.

Made him blind. Therefore he's kinda looking into nothing but seeing though the eyes of the phoenix, his summoning icon. Tattoo on the arm is the crest of the planet. The phoenix looks half a$$ed with its' four wings but I'm still trying to draw animals -_-.

((Quick info about the summoners on Summon. After reaching a certain stage in life, they go off into the wild to find their familiar, or summoning icon. It's more the beasts that choose them rather than the other way around.

After acquiring your own familiar, both of their souls begin to merge and therefore you attain a few of the features of that beast. Your familar is your life partner from then on.))


Artwork © Copyright 2002 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
21y233d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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