Li Chi Son

Hey! I've started to revamp my old characters, why not revamp everyone else!!! :P
Hey! I've started to revamp my old characters, why not revamp everyone else!!! :P by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

Nah. I'm not gonna do that. But I will change those that I really do not like or they are just too old (4 years ago, in 1998) and I have changed my style.

Two reasons why I revamped Saitoh. 1) He looked so so when I first drew him (those old pics of him) 2) After Piccollo gave permission that I could do anything with him, I decided to give him a new plot(maybe subplot). So when there's a new plot, there has to be a new makeover!!! XD

Heck! I have to draw a new Zaltite too since bro bro made a new story line for him. -_-, my work to draw all the characters will never be done at this rate.

Of course when it comes to having a new look means that your clothes will change as well. pulls hair and screams NOOOO!!! It was hard enough to think if something original but having to have to do it again!!! ARGH!!! stressed

N e hoo. Some short background of how he came to be. I saw an interesting hairdo on a page and decided maybe I could try it out on Saitoh since he was due for a makeover. When I first drew him and looked and had to blink a few times. Apparently the hairdo, when drawn in my style, looked almost exactly like Zaltite's except for one or two strands of hair!!!! O_O

I panicked and coloured in his now long hair trying to cover up the look-alike hairdo. It's not very evident unless I tell anyone that sees that pic. Might place it here one day.

Place those eight extra piece of hair for decoration and also a special purpose :P

He looks very very good after the new makeover!!! drools No smoking in this pic!! YEAH!!! He's cutting down!!! (Saitoh "No I'm not.") damn....

Enjoy no smokey Saitoh!! XP

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
21y232d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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